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Getting Started

Before you start, make sure you go through the prerequisites.

In order to launch a cluster running the aws-cloud-controller-manager, you can run the appropriate container image release from this repository on an existing cluster, or you can use a deployment tool that has support for deploying it, like kops.

Running on an Existing Cluster

Follow these steps when upgrading an existing cluster by launching the aws-cloud-controller-manager as a pod:

  1. Temporarily stop the kube-controller-managers from running.
  2. Add the --cloud-provider=external to the kube-controller-manager config.
  3. Add the --cloud-provider=external to the kube-apiserver config.
  4. Add the --cloud-provider=external to each the kubelet's config.
  5. Deploy the required RBAC to your cluster: kubectl apply -f
  6. Deploy the cloud-controller-manager to your cluster: kubectl apply -f


flag component description
--cloud-provider=external kube-apiserver Disables the cloud provider in the API Server.
--cloud-provider=external kube-controller-manager Disables the cloud provider in the Kube Controller Manager.
--cloud-provider=external kubelet Disables the cloud provider in the Kubelet.
--cloud-provider=[aws|aws/v2] aws-cloud-controller-manager Optional. Selects the legacy cloud-provider or the v2 cloud-provider in the aws-cloud-controller-manager. WARNING: the v2 cloud-provider is in a pre-alpha state.
--external-cloud-volume-plugin=aws kube-controller-manager Tells the Kube Controller Manager to run the volume loops that have cloud provider code in them. This is required for volumes to work if you are not using CSI with migration enabled.

Using Kops

In order to create a cluster using kops, the following flags should be set in your cluster.yaml in order to pass the correct flags to the control plane components.

kind: Cluster
  name: cloud-controller-example
    cloudProvider: aws
    externalCloudVolumePlugin: aws
  cloudProvider: aws
    cloudProvider: external
    cloudProvider: aws

Note: the above config omits all config not related to the aws-cloud-controller-manager Check examples/kops for a full kops configuration. (TODO)